CAE - Computer Aided Engineering

Basic acoustics

Basic acoustics is an introductory course on acoustics dealing with the following issues:

  • the wave equation
  • Fourier analysis
  • Helmholtz equation
  • reflection/absorption
  • propagation in ducts

€ 288,00

Introducción a Straus7

El curso a distancia “Introducción a Straus7” constituye un primer paso adelante en el intento de ofrecer un servicio de excelencia que ayude tanto los nuevos usuarios cuanto los expertos a manejar y sacar provecho de esta herramienta. El curso, en español, se compone de 8 módulos multimedia con una duración total de 3 horas.

Prueba el primero módulo del curso
€ 144,00

Introduction to the design of composite structures with ESAComp software

Author: Componeering Inc.

This online course is aimed at introducing the correct usage of the widely used composite analysis and design software ESAComp, by Componeering Inc.

Starting from the basics of materials and laminates, the online lectures guide the novice User step-by-step into the design of composite structural elements, the modelling of joints and discontinuities and all of the most common usage scenarios of the ESAComp software.

The course covers also advanced composite topics such as environment dependent material properties, probabilistic analyses, and thermal loads.

Detailed topics list:

Module 1- Materials and laminate basics (1h and 30')
  • ESAComp working environment and material database
  • Material properties for composite materials
  • Micromechanics analyses
  • Working with laminates
  • Laminate stiffness and load response
  • Failure prediction
Module 2- Structural elements (1h and 30')
  • Beams
  • Flat and curved panels
  • Stiffened panels
  • Cylindrical shells
Module 3- Laminate discontinuities and FE interfaces (1h and 30')
  • Notched laminates
  • Bonded joints
  • Mechanical joints
  • FE export to commercial FE tools
  • FE postprocessing
Module 4- Advanced laminate analyses (1h and 30')
  • Material strength sets
  • Environment dependent material properties
  • Thermal loads
  • Constant and variable load approach
  • Degraded laminate failure analysis
  • Probabilistic analyses

As part of the course tuition you will receive a 30-day access to the online high quality video lectures, and the printed course material (course slides, appr. 170 pages), shipped to you directly by Componeering. You MAY also be eligible for a 30-day evaluation license of ESAComp. To request the printed course material and evaluation license from Componeering, fill in this form.

For more information about the ESAComp software, please visit the ESAComp website

€ 216,00

Design for Six Sigma: an introduction

Dr. Simon Barnard, Principal Consultant and Founder, SCB Associates Ltd.
Dr. David Moseley, Technical Director, EnginSoft UK Ltd.

This free introductory course covers the following topics:
  • An introduction to Design for Six Sigma
  • From problem solving to Design for Six Sigma
  • Six Sigma roadmaps: the process improvement roadmap (DMAIC) and the design process roadmap (IDOV)
  • Design for Six Sigma case study: Micro-actuator for Hard Disk Drive
    • Identify Phase - Customer Requirements and Critical to Quality (CTQ)
    • Design Phase
    • Optimise Phase: Design for Six Sigma using modeFRONTIER Design Optimisation
    • Validate Phase

The course is subdivided into 5 lectures with a total duration of about 1 hour. Each topic includes a questionnaire designed to test your comprehension.

To join this free course please do the following:
  1. register to website
  2. follow this link and log in
Free of charge
Practical applications using computational contact mechanics José Luis Pérez-Aparicio editor

Practical applications using computational contact mechanics José Luis Pérez-Aparicio editor

The book is an outcome of the NUFRIC (Numerical Based Medium Level Training on Industrial Friction Problems) Leonardo da Vinci 2004-2006 Pilot Project which was granted by the European Community to a consortium of universities, research centres and semi-public and private training bodies including University of Granada - Coordinator (E), Leibniz University of Hannover (D), Politecnico di Torino (I), CIMNE (E), NAFEMS (UK), ENGINSOFT (I) and TCN (I).

Based on the experience of the authors in solving large-scale industrial problems, the book was designed as a complement to the companion book in the same SBE&S series A Guide for Engineers to Computational Contact Mechanics to give an easy way to step into computational contact mechanics. The book contains a worked out collection of test cases in different application areas, including civil, mechanical, and structural engineering, geomechanics, foundry processes, and rolling contact of tyres to provide a short guide for understanding the practical use of computational methods in contact mechanics.

Intended readers include PhD students and practical engineers that have to use numerical simulation tools to solve problems involving contact constraints and are willing to develop a robust background in this field.

José Luis Pérez-Aparicio, editor of the book, is currently a Professor for Aeronautics at the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia - Spain. During the NUFRIC Project period he worked as a Research Professor for Structural Mechanics at the Universidad de Granada - Spain. He works on numerical methods applied to a range of fields, in particular active materials such as piezoelectric, civil construction, aeronautics and biomechanics of the eye.

24 x 15 cm, 223 pages. Price includes delivery cost by mail service.

ISBN–13 978-88-95176-01-7
€ 50,00
A guide for engineers to computational contact mechanics Zavarise Wriggers Nackenhorst

A guide for engineers to computational contact mechanics Zavarise Wriggers Nackenhorst

The book is an outcome of the NUFRIC (Numerical Based Medium Level Training on Industrial Friction Problems) Leonardo da Vinci 2004-2006 Pilot Project which was granted by the European Community to a consortium of universities, research centres and semi-public and private training bodies including University of Granada - Coordinator (E), Leibniz University of Hannover (D), Politecnico di Torino (I), CIMNE (E), NAFEMS (UK), ENGINSOFT (I) and TCN (I).

Based on the experience of the authors in teaching within NUFRIC project, the book was designed to provide a short guide for understanding computational contact mechanics. In fact, from a close look at the available literature on applied contact mechanics, it is apparent that a simple book for novices that need an easy introduction in the field is missing. This book is hence devoted to fill this gap, to give an easy way to “break the wall” and to step into contact mechanics with a positive and productive use of numerical methods. A useful complement to the material presented in this volume can be found in the book Practical Applications Using Computational Contact Mechanics published in the same SBE&S Series.

Intended readers include PhD students and practical engineers that have to use numerical simulation tools to solve problems involving contact constraints and are willing to develop a robust background in this field.

Giorgio Zavarise is Professor of Structural Mechanics at the Department of Structural Engineering at Università del Salento - Italy. His research activity is focused on contact mechanics. In particular, he developed constitutive relationships based on micro-mechanics, with thermo-mechanical and electro-mechanical coupling, and specific algorithms for dealing with contact problems.

Peter Wriggers is Professor of Mechanics in Civil Engineering at the Leibniz University of Hannover - Germany. He is internationally recognized as an expert in computational contact mechanics. He published more than 250 papers and 6 textbooks in the field of computational mechanics.

Udo Nackenhorst is Professor of Mechanics and Theory of Materials at the Department of Civil Engineering and Geodetic Sciences, Leibniz University of Hannover - Germany. His research activities are in the fields of rolling contact analysis and biomechanics of bones.

24 x 15 cm, 168 pages. Price includes delivery cost by mail service.

ISBN–13 978-88-95176-00-0
€ 50,00

Multiobjective optimisation with modeFRONTIER

This modeFRONTIER course provides a general introduction to modeFRONTIER, the multi-objective optimisation and design environment, produced by ESTECO Srl and distributed in Europe by EnginSoft SpA.

The modeFRONTIER course starts with a brief introduction on multi-variable and conflicting objective challenge solving in multi-disciplinary scenarios
After that, four main training modules are available:

Vibrations theory and vibro-acoustics

Following the introductory "basic acoustics" course, this course offers an accurate analysis of some acoustics problems.

  • structural dynamics
  • numerical methods in structural dynamics
  • fluid-structure interaction
€ 288,00

Dynamics analysis by FEM technique (with application to ANSYS and examples): an introduction presents this e-learning ANSYS course aimed to introduce dynamics analysis by Finite Elements Method.
The multimedia material has a total duration of 2 hours and 20 minutes: 1 hour and 50 minutes are dedicated to the explanation of the basics, while 30 minutes are spent on simple practical examples of dynamics analysis using the ANSYS FEM code
€ 144,00

Advanced applications of nonlinear crack models

The course intends to provide an overview of advanced engineering applications of nonlinear crack models widely used in Fracture Mechanics, namely the cohesive crack model and the bridged crack model.

The first two lectures are dedicated to the cohesive crack model, which is today one of the most used numerical models for the analysis of nonlinear crack propagation problems. After a brief account of the main features and hypotheses of the cohesive crack model for Mode I and Mixed Mode crack propagation, the mathematical details regarding its implementation in the Finite Element Method are carefully discussed.

Several engineering applications will be presented...
Free of charge
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