A guide for engineers to computational contact mechanics Zavarise Wriggers Nackenhorst

The book is an outcome of the NUFRIC (Numerical Based Medium Level Training on Industrial Friction Problems) Leonardo da Vinci 2004-2006 Pilot Project which was granted by the European Community to a consortium of universities, research centres and semi-public and private training bodies including University of Granada - Coordinator (E), Leibniz University of Hannover (D), Politecnico di Torino (I), CIMNE (E), NAFEMS (UK), ENGINSOFT (I) and TCN (I).
Based on the experience of the authors in teaching within NUFRIC project, the book was designed to provide a short guide for understanding computational contact mechanics. In fact, from a close look at the available literature on applied contact mechanics, it is apparent that a simple book for novices that need an easy introduction in the field is missing. This book is hence devoted to fill this gap, to give an easy way to “break the wall” and to step into contact mechanics with a positive and productive use of numerical methods. A useful complement to the material presented in this volume can be found in the book Practical Applications Using Computational Contact Mechanics published in the same SBE&S Series.
Intended readers include PhD students and practical engineers that have to use numerical simulation tools to solve problems involving contact constraints and are willing to develop a robust background in this field.
Giorgio Zavarise is Professor of Structural Mechanics at the Department of Structural Engineering at Università del Salento - Italy. His research activity is focused on contact mechanics. In particular, he developed constitutive relationships based on micro-mechanics, with thermo-mechanical and electro-mechanical coupling, and specific algorithms for dealing with contact problems.
Peter Wriggers is Professor of Mechanics in Civil Engineering at the Leibniz University of Hannover - Germany. He is internationally recognized as an expert in computational contact mechanics. He published more than 250 papers and 6 textbooks in the field of computational mechanics.
Udo Nackenhorst is Professor of Mechanics and Theory of Materials at the Department of Civil Engineering and Geodetic Sciences, Leibniz University of Hannover - Germany. His research activities are in the fields of rolling contact analysis and biomechanics of bones.
24 x 15 cm, 168 pages. Price includes delivery cost by mail service.